Antifreeze Fire Extinguishers
Antifreeze fire extinguishers are foam or water fire extinguishers that contain an antifreeze additive. This means...
Automatic Fire Extinguishers
Automatic fire extinguishers are, as their name suggests, designed to put out...
Boat Fire Extinguishers
If you’re a boat owner, you must consider which type of boat...
Car Fire Extinguishers
We’re often asked, what do you use on a car fire? The...
Clean Gas Fire Extinguishers
Clean gas fire extinguishers (also known as clean agent fire extinguishers) are...
CO2 Fire Extinguishers
Fully Accredited with Low Price Guarantee CO2 fire extinguishers are the only...
Designer Fire Extinguishers
Whether you’re buying fire extinguishers for a hotel, restaurant, retail space, or...
Emergency Lighting
Emergency lighting is a requirement for all workplaces. Whether you manage an...
Fire Alarm Kits
Starting from scratch with the installation of a new fire alarm system?...
Fire Escape Ladders
Do you have a fire escape ladder at home? Here's why you...
Firexo Fire Extinguishers
As the name suggests, our Firexo All Fires Extinguishers are suitable for...
Foam Extinguishers
Foam fire extinguishers are a popular extinguisher suitable for both commercial and...
Hydrospray Extinguishers
Adding chemical additives to the water in water fire extinguishers can improve effectiveness, while...
Launcher Fire Extinguisher
The 4kg Launcher Fire Extinguisher is the world’s first 24-hour fire extinguisher...
Lith-Ex Fire Extinguishers
Lithium batteries are now commonplace and used in phones, laptops, tablets and...
Powder Fire Extinguishers
Dry powder extinguishers smother and suffocate fires by forming a barrier between...
Self-Service P50 Fire Extinguishers
Our range of P50 Fire Extinguishers is unique in that they do...
Water Fire Extinguishers
Water fire extinguishers are the most common type of fire extinguisher. They...
Wet Chemical Fire Extinguisher
Wet chemical fire extinguishers are designed for one purpose: to extinguish Class F...
Wheeled Fire Extinguishers
Our wheeled fire extinguishers are perfect for tackling large fires. They are...